Thursday, March 1, 2012

Whats been up lately

Hello all!

From my last post, I've had the time to move, settle in, unpack, and rearrange.  And as I mentioned earlier, I will be posting some inside pics of my sweet new pad but today I wanted to share a few other things that I've been into lately.  (You really don't want to see my unvacuumed floors, messy piles of photo supplies, etc!)

Listed below are my current obsessions and make up for lack of posts!

1.  Boardwalk Empire
I am obsessed!  I am already half way in the second season.  Thom and I watch an episode or so a night.  I will be so sad when I finally catch up to the upcoming season 3.
After watching the Academy Awards and the five awards to Hugo, I understand why Scorsese created the fantastical world of robots and child heroes.  (A VERY mild and milked down version of genre he usually partakes in)  He took all his violence, sex, booze and drugs out on Boardwalk!  And of course, the costuming, set design and cinematography is a TV series masterpiece.  (Above is the two year old Vanity Fair spread of the leading ladies in the show.)

2.  Gold Arrow and Gold Bracelet set from Mary Beth Heishman for $50.  I bought this set and can't wait to get it.  I love the simple design and use of the front length of the bracelet as the object.

3.  Ingrid Michaelson's newest album, Human Again.  On repeat.  This video of Ghost is great and directed by Ingrid herself.

4.  Natalie Stopka.  I am currently taking a book binding class and man-alive!  My perspective of books has been shattered and redefined.  I stumbled upon Stopka's books through a random search and I love her work.  She lives in Brooklyn and sells her work through small shops and etsy.  I love her ombre linen bound hardcover book pictured above.

Finally, if you aren't on Pinterest, join!  Be my friend, follow my boards and ultimately gather inspiration from the inter-webs. 

More soon!

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